Geometrics 27

Here is the facade of a modern building located in the Provençals del Poblenou neighborhood, near the well-known Pere IV street.
Photography & Digital Art
Photography & Digital Art
Here is the facade of a modern building located in the Provençals del Poblenou neighborhood, near the well-known Pere IV street.
Here is my vision of the facade of a Tánger street office building in the El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou neighborhood.
One of the charms of Barcelona is the Mediterranean Sea. I mean not only the beaches and the beach cafés, but also this natural environment that local people enjoy all year round come rain or shine.
In the neighborhood of Besòs i el Maresme, west of the Rambla de Prim, one can still see today houses which were built in the 50’ by low-wage workers with their own hands, at a time when the area was…
Here is a graffiti which was painted on the side wall of a building in the neighborhood of Poblenou. It represents a castell, or human tower, an old Catalan tradition which goes back to the end of the 18th Century.…
Here is a picture of the Plaça del Mercadal which is located in the heart of the Sant Andreu neighborhood. It was built in the mid-19th Century to accommodate a covered market at a time when Sant Andreu del Palomar…
If you are a fan of this blog, you know that the Turó de la Rovira is one of my favorite spots in Barcelona. Up on the hill, sweethearts make plans for the future, tourists admire the view, teenagers play…
I find reflections quite inspiring, especially when they create random patterns like the ones I saw on the roof of the Mercat dels Encants, where you can buy antiques, second-hand goods, etc.
Here is a combination of shapes and complementary colors. If you are a fan of this blog, you have probably guessed where I took this picture: in the abandoned ceramic factory of Montgat, located north of Barcelona.