MP Teuler

MP Teuler

My name is Marie-Pierre Teuler and I have studied photography at the Escuela Activa de Fotografía in Mexico City. I have created this blog to share with you my latest creations. All the works shown in this blog have been inspired by Barcelona. Marie-Pierre Teuler

On my Wall 32

I like to play around with architectural structures, like the small bridge of the Parc Central de Nou Barris located in the La Guineueta neighborhood.

Stardust 45

It looks like there are more bakeries in the La Vila de Gràcia neighborhood than anywhere else in Barcelona.

Stardust 44

In various points of the Capital city, one can enjoy churros made on the spot, like here in the El Clot neighborhood.

Stardust 43

Going to the market in Barcelona is a feast for the eyes and for the palate. Catalunya is famous for its cold meats, just like the ones displayed in this refrigerated counter of the Mercat de Santa Caterina located in…

Totem 3

Barcelona’s urban architecture fascinates me, and I want to share with you this kaleidoscopic effect based on a building located in the El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou neighborhood.

Stardust 42

The Avinguda Diagonal is one of the most iconic arteries of Barcelona. Over ten kilometers long, it connects the western and eastern boundaries of the capital city, and passes through fourteen neighborhoods quite different from one another.

On my Wall 31

I like to walk around the Vila Olímpica del Poblenou neighborhood where the pergolas of the Avinguda d’Icària by Enric Miralles y Carme Pinós symbolize the costal train which used to cross the old Icària neighborhood.

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