Chromatic Impact 54

Here is a peek into a typical restaurant of Barcelona. Do you know the one I mean? Here is a tip: it is located Plaça de Sant Agustí Vell.
Photography & Digital Art
Photography & Digital Art
Here is a peek into a typical restaurant of Barcelona. Do you know the one I mean? Here is a tip: it is located Plaça de Sant Agustí Vell.
The streets of the El Clot neighborhood are full of charm, and I like to walk around the market area where there are a lot of bars and restaurants.
Most apartement buildings of the Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera neighborhood are old properties, but there are a few exceptions.
In the touristy areas of the capital city, hotel bars outdo each other in uniqueness to standout of the crowd.
In 2016, the Centre Comercial Barcelona Glòries was totally refurbished and extended but its main metal access gate was kept intact.
In the El Poblenou area, where the train used to stop on its way to Mataró, one can still find houses with a lot of personality.
A couple of weeks ago, the fog blanketed a big stretch of the coast, but people went to the beach all the same, like the Nova Mar Bella shown here.
With the return of warmer weather ice-cream parlors will be busy in El Barri Gòtic as well as in other neighborhoods of the Capital city.
I am not sure whether the people of Santa Eulàlia will recognize their station, but here is my version of this fascinating place.