MP Teuler

MP Teuler

My name is Marie-Pierre Teuler and I have studied photography at the Escuela Activa de Fotografía in Mexico City. I have created this blog to share with you my latest creations. All the works shown in this blog have been inspired by Barcelona. Marie-Pierre Teuler

Geometrics 40

The El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou neighborhood is part of the so-called 22@ Urban District. Its office towers are for me an endless source of inspiration.

On my Wall 36

This stairway is located right across the Santa Eulàlia subway station. It leads to a pedestrian bridge which runs alongside the Sants-Badal and La Bordeta neighborhoods.

Stardust 53

I like to take pictures around the Plaça d’Europa after dark: traffic lights and car headlamps remind me of Xmas lights.

Happy New Year 2024!

This year I wish you lots of free time to walk around the streets of the capital city of Catalonia. Secret corners and wonderful surprises await you in one of its 73 charming neighborhoods. Happy New Year 2024!

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