Colorful Barcelona 45

The Rambla de Badal looks even more beautiful seen from above, don’t you think?
Photography & Digital Art
Photography & Digital Art
The Rambla de Badal looks even more beautiful seen from above, don’t you think?
With its various dealerships, auto repair shops, and gas stations, Almogàvers street is a haven for car enthusiasts.
In Barcelona restaurants range from the basic one around the corner to more sophisticated venues like the one, almost hidden from view, I came across in the Les Tres Torres neighborhood.
What seems to be at first glance an old palace is in fact a car wash tunnel I saw in Almogàvers street.
It is the end of our neighborhood as we know it. Witnesses of the past century are being torn down in order to make room for unappealing office buildings and hotels.
I really liked the minimalistic style of the hall of this glass tower I saw on Plaça d’Europa in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
With its beautiful “cheap houses” in perfect condition, the Can Peguera neighborhood is one of the best-kept secrets of Barcelona.
In Barcelona, there is always something going on. There is a new Digital Art Center in the El Poblenou neighborhood.
Sant Gervasi – Galvany is basically a residential neighborhood but it also boasts two major shopping areas: Muntaner street and Diagonal avenue.