Category Soft Memories

Soft Memories 58

The famed Barça Stadium, Camp Nou, located in the La Maternitat i Sant Ramon neighborhood is in the process of being pulled down. The new structure will be ready in the month of November 2024.

Soft Memories 57

In some areas of Barcelona it is quite common to come across businesses which have kept their original storefronts, like this pharmacy located in the Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera neighborhood.

Soft Memories 56

This facade is typical of middle-class buildings of the “Catalan Manchester” period, when El Poblenou was a neighborhood dedicated to the textile industry.

Soft Memories 54

Some places are easy to identify at first glance. It is the case of the small town of Montcada i Reixac with its cement factory which can be seen from miles away.

Soft Memories 52

The open section of the Rec Comtal, the old irrigational canal which crosses the city of Barcelona all the way down to the sea, looks like a place straight out of a fairy tale.

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Barcelona is one of the art capitals of the world, and it seems that everywhere you look there are amazing buildings like the one I spotted the other day in Poble Sec.  

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Planned by Catalan entrepreneur Eusebi Güell for his employees, the Còlonia Güell, located south of Barcelona, is a mixture of small houses and modernist buildings. It looks like a place frozen in time.

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