Category Souls of Barcelona

Souls of Barcelona 17

Barcelona is surrounded by hills. The El Coll neighborhood, which is part of the Gràcia district, is located 300 meters above sea level. There, one can find, like in the rest of the area, escalators which make life easier for…

Souls of Barcelona 16

The neighborhood of Baró de Viver is part of the Sant Andreu district. There, one can find mostly brick buildings and housing projects. The good surprise was to come across the façade of this school decked with rectangles of colored…

Souls of Barcelona 14

Here we can see the monument of the Plaça de la República which is located in the Nou Barris district of Barcelona. The bronze statue represents The Republic, and was designed by the Catalan sculptor Josep Viladomat in 1934.

Souls of Barcelona 13

Barcelona is one of the most visited capital city of the world. It attracts fashion and gastronomy lovers, as well as business people and soccer fans. At the bottom of the Ramblas, its afamed avenue, one can find Port Vell…

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