Category Stardust

Stardust 62

At times, curiosity makes me look where I should not, like in this warehouse hidden from view located in the Sant Martí district.

Stardust 61

Being able to hang clothes in the open air is a real luxury, like here in the La Guineueta neighborhood.

Stardust 60

The renovation of the El Camp de l’Arpa del Clot neighborhood is in full swing. The plan is to restore the historical buildings of the area.

Stardust 59

Walking around the Vilapicina i la Torre Llobeta neighborhood I came across this interesting bathroom showroom.

Stardust 57

In the 22@ Urban District, some of the workshops and small factories of past centuries have been converted into co-working places.

Stardust 56

With old factories being demolished in the San Martí district one can expect the unexpected, like stairs leading to nowhere.

Stardust 55

I never get tired of walking around the Ciutat Vella district where shops vie to outdo each other in creativity.

Stardust 54

On the main floor of the Centre Comercial Arenas de Barcelona there is a giant digital playground much appreciated by children and grownups alike.

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