Category Stardust

Stardust 53

I like to take pictures around the Plaça d’Europa after dark: traffic lights and car headlamps remind me of Xmas lights.

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In Barcelona restaurants range from the basic one around the corner to more sophisticated venues like the one, almost hidden from view, I came across in the Les Tres Torres neighborhood.

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Sant Gervasi – Galvany is basically a residential neighborhood but it also boasts two major shopping areas: Muntaner street and Diagonal avenue.

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In the Sant Martí district there are warehouses and storage places which have not changed a bit since the 1950’s but which are still in operation.

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Barcelona boasts some 39 food markets where one can buy the best Catalan delicatessen products. Here is a stand of the market located in the El Clot neighborhood.

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The Plaça d’Ildefons Cerdà is a busy crossroad round the clock. It is the point were Avinguda de la Gran Via de L’Hospitalet, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Passeig de la Zona Franca, and Rambla de Badal meet.

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It is a pleasure to go grocery shopping in the Sant Antoni neighborhood where there are many food stores in addition to the local market which has just been remodeled.

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It looks like there are more bakeries in the La Vila de Gràcia neighborhood than anywhere else in Barcelona.

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