Category Stardust

Stardust 17

Light fixtures are an important part of architectural design. Their shape and type of illumination help set the mood of a place. The one in the picture reflects exactly the atmosphere of this modern building I visited last week.

Stardust 16

Dead leaves fascinate me because they create intricate patterns of an incredible variety. Their ephemeral beauty has inspired poets and painters alike, not to mention fashion designers. Today’s picture plays around with grey and copper tones for a change.

Stardust 15

Since the end of the economic downturn, the Barcelona neighborhood of El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou has been going through a total makeover. This area which was completely transformed at the time of the Summer Olympics of 1992…

Stardust 14

The Hostafrancs neigborhood is home to one of the numerous Barcelona markets. One can find in this area character buildings and modern condos. I particularly like to play around with geometric shapes like the glass blocks we can see here.

Stardust 13

The sun is too hot, and the beach is too crowded. Let us wander off the beaten track and cool off in areas where boarded-up houses and abandoned factories are still standing.

Stardust 12

Located across from the Montjuïc hill, the harbor of Barcelona occupies all the south side of the city. It includes various areas: one for pleasure boats, one for cruisers, another one for cargo ships and a huge section devoted to…

Stardust 10

In Barcelona each neighborhood has its own market. The most popular one is the Boquería located on the main Rambla where tourists flock all year around.

Stardust 9

In the older part of Barcelona, people hang their clothes out to dry on their balcony. This typical scene was captured in the Barceloneta neighborhood.

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