Category Totem

Totem 10

Among the 73 neighborhoods of Barcelona, there are some that I like more than others. Sant Genís dels Agudells is one of them.

Totem 9

Everything is inspiring in the Centre Comercial Arenas de Barcelona: the volume of the mall structure, the escalators, the neon signs… Absolutely everything!

Totem 8

This collage is based on photos I took in the La Marina del Prat Vermell neighborhood (and not in San Andreu de la Barca mentioned in the ad).

Totem 7

In 2016, the Centre Comercial Barcelona Glòries was totally refurbished and extended but its main metal access gate was kept intact.

Totem 6

Today´s photopainting represents a gas station I saw in Almogàvers street.

Totem 5

I like to play around with mirror images, like this one based on a gasoline station I saw in the Sant Andreu neighborhood.

Totem 4

Various sections of the Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes are covered for sound proofing, like the one bordering the Provençals del Poblenou neighborhood.

Totem 3

Barcelona’s urban architecture fascinates me, and I want to share with you this kaleidoscopic effect based on a building located in the El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou neighborhood.

Totem 2

Helpless, the spirit of the forest watches the destruction of its kingdom. Let us help him preserve his environment that has been our haven since the dawn of humanity.

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