Former Address 8
The old ceramic factory of Montgat is an inspiring place for painters and photographers.
Photography & Digital Art
Photography & Digital Art
The old ceramic factory of Montgat is an inspiring place for painters and photographers.
It is my pleasure to announce the publishing of the book “Bestioles i àngels”. (Photographs by Marie-Pierre Teuler & poems by Pilar Solé.) It…
In Barcelona, even in working-class areas, people are proud of their neighborhood, like here in Trinitat Nova.
If you come to Barcelona, don’t miss the church Santa María del Mar, also referred to as the Cathedral of the Sea.
In the old days, trains used to go through what is today the Avinguda d’Icària in the neighborhood of La Vila Olímpica del Poblenou.…
In the Sant Martí district, there are still hundreds of buildings to be demolished or revamped like the one in the picture.